Home » Forged Steel Flanges » Socketweld Flange 150# Raised Face (RF) 316/316L SS A/SA182

Socketweld Flange 150# Raised Face (RF) 316/316L SS A/SA182

These pipe flanges are attached by inserting the pipe into the socket end and applying fillet weld around the top. This allows for a smooth bore and better flow of the fluid or gas inside of the pipe. The connection with the pipe is done with 1 fillet weld, at the outside of the flange. But before welding, a space must be created between flange or fitting and pipe.

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Socket weld flange simplified as SW flange, it has a recessed area (like a shoulder) in the flange bore, this shoulder serves as a guide to set the depth of the pipe that inserted to the flange. Socket welding flange initially designed for high pressure small diameters piping system.

Face: Raised face,  Flat face,  RTJ facing.

These pipe flanges are attached by inserting the pipe into the socket end and applying fillet weld around the top. This allows for a smooth bore and better flow of the fluid or gas inside of the pipe. The connection with the pipe is done with 1 fillet weld, at the outside of the flange. But before welding, a space must be created between flange or fitting and pipe.


  • Water supply facilities
  • Food industrial pipelines
  • Chemical industrial pipelines
  • Electronic industrial pipelines
  • Air conditioning facility pipelines
  • Agriculture and garden production transportation
  • Pipeline network for solar energy facility




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