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ASTM A182 F316 Threaded Flange

ASTM A182 F316 Threaded Flange is a flange manufactured according to A182 standard, and its connection method is threaded connection. It is a commonly used connector in pipeline systems, used to connect pipelines, valves, pumps and other equipment, so that fluids can be smoothly transmitted within the system.

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ASTM A182 F316 Threaded Flange is a flange manufactured according to A182 standard, and its connection method is threaded connection. It is a commonly used connector in pipeline systems, used to connect pipelines, valves, pumps and other equipment, so that fluids can be smoothly transmitted within the system. ASTM A182 F316 Threaded Flange is manufactured according to ASME B16.5 standard and typically used in many industries like oil and gas.

Specification of A182 F316 Threaded Flange

Size Range 1/2″ – 24″ / DN15 – DN600
Pressure Rating Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500lb
Standard ASME B16.5, EN1092-1
Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F304/304L/304H, 316/316L, 310S, 317,347,904L

Class 150 lb Threaded Flange Dimensions & Weight


inch inch inch inch inch inch No. of Holes inch inch kg/pc
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1/2 3.500 0.440 0.620 0.620 1.190 1.380 4 0.620 2.380 0.39
88.9 11.20 15.70 15.70 30.20 35.10 15.70 60.45
3/4 3.880 0.500 0.620 0.620 1.500 1.690 4 0.620 2.750 0.56
98.60 12.70 15.70 15.70 38.10 42.90 15.70 69.85
1 4.250 0.560 0.690 0.690 1.940 2.000 4 0.620 3.120 0.78
108.0 14.20 17.50 17.50 49.30 50.80 15.70 79.25
1-1/4 4.620 0.620 0.810 0.810 2.310 2.500 4 0.620 3.500 1.03
117.3 15.70 20.60 20.60 58.70 63.50 15.70 88.90
1-1/2 5.000 0.690 0.880 0.880 2.560 2.880 4 0.620 3.880 1.32
127.0 17.50 22.40 22.30 65.00 73.15 15.70 98.60
2 6.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 3.060 3.620 4 0.750 4.750 2.06
152.4 19.10 25.40 25.40 77.70 91.90 0.750 4.750
2-1/2 7.000 0.880 1.120 1.120 3.560 4.120 4 0.750 5.500 3.28
177.8 22.40 28.40 28.40 90.40 104.6 19.10 139.7
3 7.500 0.940 1.190 1.190 4.250 5.000 4 0.750 6.000 3.85
190.5 23.90 30.20 30.20 108.0 127.0 19.10 152.4
3-1/2 8.500 0.940 1.250 1.250 4.810 5.500 8 0.750 7.000 4.81
215.9 23.90 31.75 31.75 122.2 139.7 19.10 177.8
4 9.000 0.940 1.310 1.310 5.310 6.190 8 0.750 7.500 5.30
228.6 23.90 33.30 33.30 134.9 157.2 19.10 190.5
5 10.00 0.940 1.440 1.440 6.440 7.310 8 0.880 8.500 6.07
254.0 23.90 36.60 36.60 163.6 185.7 22.4 215.9
6 11.00 1.000 1.560 1.560 7.560 8.500 8 0.880 9.5 7.45
279.4 25.40 39.60 39.60 192.0 215.9 22.40 241.3
8 13.50 1.120 1.750 1.750 9.690 10.62 8 0.880 11.75 12.1
342.9 28.40 44.50 44.50 246.1 269.7 22.40 298.5
10 16.00 1.190 1.940 1.940 12.00 12.75 12 1.000 14.25 16.5
406.4 30.20 49.30 49.30 304.8 323.9 25.40 362.0
12 19.00 1.250 2.190 2.190 14.38 15.00 12 1.000 17.00 26.2
482.6 31.75 55.60 55.60 365.3 381.0 25.40 431.8
14 21.00 1.380 2.250 2.250 15.75 16.25 12 1.120 18.75 34.6
533.4 35.10 57.15 57.15 400.1 412.7 28.40 476.3
16 23.50 1.440 2.500 2.500 18.00 18.50 16 1.120 21.25 44.8
596.9 36.60 63.50 63.50 457.2 469.9 28.40 539.8
18 25.00 1.560 2.690 2.690 19.88 21.00 16 1.250 22.75 48.9
635.0 39.60 68.30 68.30 505.0 533.4 31.75 577.9
20 27.50 1.690 2.880 2.880 22.00 23.00 20 1.250 25.00 61.9
698.5 42.90 73.15 73.15 558.8 584.2 31.75 635.0
24 32.00 1.880 3.250 3.250 26.12 27.25 20 1.380 29.50 86.9
812.8 47.80 82.60 82.60 663.4 692.2 35.10 749.3

Application Fields of ASTM A182 F316 Threaded Flange

Chemical Industry
In chemical production, various corrosive chemicals such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid are often required to be transported. ASTM A182 F316 threaded flanges can safely and reliably connect pipes that transport these corrosive media. For example, in a small chemical experimental device, the container containing sulfuric acid solution is connected to the reactor through a pipe connected by a stainless steel threaded flange, which can ensure that the pipeline system will not leak due to corrosion during the experiment.
Building Water Supply and Drainage
In the water supply and drainage system of modern buildings, ASTM A182 F316 threaded flanges not only provide reliable pipe connections, but also have beautiful appearance. The metallic luster of stainless steel matches the decoration style of modern buildings. For example, in the installation of water supply and drainage pipes in the bathrooms of some high-end hotels or office buildings, the pipe system connected by stainless steel threaded flanges looks simple and high-end.


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