Home » Buttwelding Fittings » ASTM 16.9 Carbon steel pipe fittings large size Tee

ASTM 16.9 Carbon steel pipe fittings large size Tee

Steel tee is a T-shaped pipe fitting with three branch pipes. It is used to divide pipes to adjust flow and change direction.

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ASTM 16.9 Carbon steel Pipe tee is a T-shaped pipe fitting with three branch pipes. It is used to divide pipes to adjust flow and change direction. Equal diameter tee, also known as straight tee, the branch diameter of the tee is the same as the pipe diameter of the tee. The reducing tee has two outlets cut at 90 degrees with the main pipe, and the size of the branch pipe is smaller than the port of the pipeline


  • Oil and gas transmissions
  • Petroleum and Oil refining
  • Water treatment systems
  • Chemical Industries

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