Home » Forged Steel Flanges » A105 FF Slip On Flange

A105 FF Slip On Flange

A105 FF slip on flange is a commonly used pipeline connection element, mainly made of carbon steel, and connected to pipelines or other flanges by flat welding. The structure of the slip on flange is relatively simple.

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A105 FF slip on flange is a commonly used pipeline connection element, mainly made of carbon steel, and connected to pipelines or other flanges by flat welding. The structure of the slip on flange is relatively simple. It mainly consists of a flange and a connection hole. The flange is a flat disc-shaped structure with an outer diameter larger than the outer diameter of the pipe connected to it. There are several connection holes evenly distributed on the flange, which are used for bolts to pass through in order to connect the two flanges together.
A105 FF slip on flanges are widely used in pipeline systems in the fields of petroleum, chemical industry, natural gas, shipbuilding, construction, etc. As key components of pipeline connection, they undertake important tasks such as transmitting media, bearing pressure, and preventing leakage.

Specification of A105 Slip On Flange

Sealing Face RF, FF, FTJ
Size Range 1/2″ – 24″ / DN15 – DN600
Pressure Rating Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500lb
Standard ANSI / ASME B16.5, EN1092-1
Carbon Steel ASTM A105 / A105N

Class 150 lb Slip on Flange Dimensions & Weight

inch  inch inch inch inch inch No. of Holes inch inch kg/pc
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1/2 3.500 0.880 0.440 0.620 1.190 1.380 4 0.620 2.380 0.39
88.90 22.40 11.20 15.70 30.20 35.10 15.70 60.45
3/4 3.880 1.090 0.500 0.620 1.500 1.690 4 0.620 2.750 0.56
98.60 27.70 12.70 15.70 38.10 42.90 15.70 69.85
1 4.250 1.360 0.560 0.690 1.940 2.000 4 0.620 3.120 0.78
108.0 34.50 14.20 17.50 49.30 50.80 15.70 79.25
1-1/4 4.620 1.700 0.620 0.810 2.310 2.500 4 0.620 3.500 1.03
117.3 43.20 15.70 20.60 58.70 63.50 15.70 88.90
1-1/2 5.000 1.950 0.690 0.880 2.560 2.880 4 0.620 3.880 1.32
127.0 49.50 17.50 22.40 65.00 73.15 15.70 98.60
2 6.000 2.440 0.750 1.000 3.060 3.620 4 0.750 4.750 2.06
152.4 62.00 19.10 25.40 77.70 91.90 19.10 120.7
2-1/2 7.000 2.940 0.880 1.120 3.560 4.120 4 0.750 5.500 3.28
177.8 74.70 22.40 28.40 90.40 104.6 19.10 139.7
3 7.500 3.570 0.940 1.190 4.250 5.000 4 0.750 6.000 3.85
190.5 90.70 23.90 30.20 108.0 127.0 19.10 152.4
3-1/2 8.500 4.070 0.940 1.250 4.810 5.500 8 0.750 7.000 4.81
215.9 103.4 23.90 31.75 122.2 139.7 19.10 177.8
4 9.000 4.570 0.940 1.310 5.310 6.190 8 0.750 7.500 5.30
228.6 116.1 23.90 33.30 134.9 157.2 19.10 190.5
5 10.00 5.660 0.940 1.440 6.440 7.310 8 0.880 8.500 6.07
254.0 143.8 23.90 36.60 163.6 185.7 22.40 215.9
6 11.00 6.720 1.000 1.560 7.560 8.500 8 0.880 9.500 7.45
279.4 170.7 25.40 39.60 192.0 215.9 22.40 241.3
8 13.50 8.720 1.120 1.750 9.690 10.62 8 0.880 11.75 12.1
342.9 221.5 28.40 44.50 246.1 269.7 22.40 298.5
10 16.00 10.88 1.190 1.940 12.00 12.75 12 1.000 14.25 16.5
406.4 276.3 30.20 49.30 304.8 323.9 25.40 362.0
12 19.00 12.88 1.250 2.190 14.38 15.00 12 1.000 17.00 26.2
482.6 327.1 31.75 55.60 365.3 381.0 25.40 431.8
14 21.00 14.14 1.380 2.250 15.75 16.25 12 1.120 18.75 34.6
533.4 359.1 35.10 57.15 400.1 412.8 28.40 476.3
16 23.50 16.16 1.440 2.500 18.00 18.50 16 1.120 21.25 44.8
596.9 410.5 36.60 63.50 457.2 469.9 28.40 539.8
18 25.00 18.18 1.560 2.690 19.88 21.00 16 1.250 22.75 48.9
635.0 461.8 39.60 68.30 505.0 533.4 31.75 577.9
20 27.50 20.20 1.690 2.880 22.00 23.00 20 1.250 25.00 61.9
698.5 513.1 42.90 73.15 558.8 584.2 31.75 635.0
24 32.00 24.25 1.880 3.250 26.12 27.25 20 1.380 29.50 86.9
812.8 616.0 47.80 82.60 663.4 692.2 35.10 749.3

Performance Characteristics

Low cost: The price of carbon steel material itself is relatively low, and the manufacturing process of flat welding flange is relatively simple, which does not require complex processing equipment and processes, so its manufacturing cost is low and it is widely used in many medium and low pressure pipeline systems.
Easy connection: The two flat welding flanges are connected by bolts, and then connected to the pipeline by welding. The installation process is relatively simple. And it is easy to disassemble and replace pipe fittings during maintenance and inspection of the pipeline system.
Wide range of application: It can adapt to pipeline systems with different media, such as water pipelines, gas pipelines (low-pressure parts), general chemical material pipelines (non-corrosive media), etc.


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